Call for abstracts:
Following the successful editions in 2022 and 2023, we will organize a third PFAS symposium in 2024. We would like to invite all colleagues interested in presenting their work on the environmental occurrence, fate and exposure, bioaccumulation, and the possible eco(toxico)logical risks of PFAS to submit an abstract for this symposium.
The abstract should be no longer than 2500 characters (excluding title, name(s) and affiliation of presenters, and 4-5 keywords). Please send your abstract before 17th, August 2024 to and indicate whether you prefer to give an oral or a poster presentation.
Abstracts will be evaluated by the organizing committee, which will prepare a final program to be published by 1st September 2024.
More information and programme can be found on the website of the meeting.
Organizing committee:
Ayesha Siddiqa (WUR)
Thimo Groffen (University of Antwerp)
Kees van Gestel (VU; NWO/TTW-project 187125)
Erwin Roex (RIVM)
Stefan van Leeuwen (WFSR) (Section on EnvironChemTox)