Nederlands English

Over PFAS: environmental occurrence, hazard and risk

PFAS: environmental occurrence, hazard and risk

09:00-09:30 Arrival, registration, coffee
09:30-09:35 Opening, aim of symposium by chair person
Annemarie van Wezel, UvA
09:35-09:55 Occurrence of PFAS in the Dutch environment
Leonard Oste, Deltares
09:55-10:15 PFAS profiles in Dutch drinking water and related health risks
Mohammad Sadia, UvA
10:15-10:35 PFAS distribution in aquatic food webs
Ioanna Gkika, UvA
10:35-10:55 Discussion on exposure
10:55-11:15 Coffee
11:15-11:35 Toxicological Profiling of PFAS using zebrafish
Jessica Legradi, VU
11:35-11:55 PFAS effects on lipid metabolism in in vitro hepatocyte models
Lackson Kashobwe, VU
11:55-12:15 PFAS toxicity to selected organisms in lab and field
Skylar Xie, VU
12:15-12:35 PFAS effects on aquatic invertebrates
Paul van den Brink, WUR
12:35-12:55 Discussion on hazards
12:55-14:00 Lunch
14:00-14:20 PFAS risk assessment: general considerations, grouping, RPFs etc.
Erik Verbruggen, RIVM
14:20-14:40 PFAS risk assessment: modelling fate/exposure
Joris Quik, RIVM
14:40-15:00 PFAS risk assessment for soil and sediment
Arjen Wintersen, RIVM
15:00-15:30 Tea
15:30-16:30 Closing discussion: environmental assessment of PFAS, research needs, etc. ⇒ the way forward
16:30-17:30 Drinks

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