Obituary John Parsons

In memory of Dr. John Parsons, a former board member of MilieuChemTox and a friend. John was nationally and internationally known for his great expertise in environmental chemistry. He will always be remembered for his drive and dedication to his work and his colleagues, as well as for being a very kind colleague with a good sense of humour, a love of music, and great scientific curiosity.
He has been an active and dedicated board member of MilieuChemTox for thirteen years. MilieuChemTox is the professional association for environmental scientist, a fusion of the KNCV Environmental Chemistry section, the NVT Environmental Toxicology section work and the field of Geochemistry in the Netherlands. He helped to share knowledge and strengthen the profession. It has been a real pleasure to work with him and to have him on our team for so many years
John Parsons his research interest was on the sorption, biodegradation and bioavailability of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and his expertise in these fields was recognized internationally. At the University of Amsterdam, John led and participated in several large EU projects. He also contributed to building a bridge between environmental chemistry and ecotoxicology, testing both the environmental fate and effects of compounds. He was the prime supervisor of many successful PhD studies and students loved John´s erudite knowledge of the microbial biodegradation of chemical pollutants.
John also greatly contributed to many scientific publications and the Open Online Textbook on Environmental Toxicology, generously sharing his knowledge with all of us.
After his formal retirement in 2018, John remained active as a scientist, regularly visiting the University of Amsterdam to discuss research results with students and colleagues. He joined the Dutch ARES group (Association of Retired Environmental Scientists) in 2019, where he became very active in projects dedicated to defining persistence, including the development of the Persistence Assessment Tool (PAT) software to support the regulatory evaluation of chemicals.
With his open and enthusiastic curiosity and energy, he successfully motivated students to contribute, collaborate, and become active in the field of environmental science. John was a great scientist and a very humble and kind man. He will be greatly missed and remembered. Our thoughts are with his family, colleagues, and friends.
Reacties op 'Obituary John Parsons'
Ik heb John Parsons leren kennen toen ik student scheikunde aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam was en mijn afstudeerstage uitvoerde bij de vakgroep Milieu- en Toxicologische Chemie (MTC), waar hij werkzaam was als universitair docent. De eerste keer dat ik met hem in contact kwam moet einde 1990 zijn geweest. Het onderzoeksonderwerp van mijn stage viel binnen het onderzoek dat door de werkgroep die onder zijn leiding stond werd uitgevoerd. Als ik het me goed herinner heette die werkgroep Biodegradatieprocessen.
Gedurende in totaal zo'n kleine 2 jaar heb ik veel met John te maken gehad. Ik heb niets als goede herinneringen aan het contact met hem. De karaktereigenschappen vriendelijk, bescheiden, team player, nieuwsgierig en brede wetenschappelijke belangstelling die van hem in deze In Memorian en in die van het IBED onderzoeksinstituut ( worden gegeven kan ik van harte onderschrijven. Behulpzaam, zou ik er nog aan toe kunnen voegen, aangezien ik van hem veel behulpzaamheid bij diverse zaken heb ervaren.
Mijn condoleances gaan uit naar iedereen in zijn omgeving die hem nu moet missen; een groot gemis zal het zijn. In het bijzonder denk ik aan zijn vrouw Anneke die tot mijn verrassing familie bleek te zijn van een goede kennis van mij; het toeval speelt soms opmerkelijke spelletjes.
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