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Over 4th EnvironChemTox symposium on PFAS

4th EnvironChemTox symposium on PFAS

Following the successful editions in 2022, 2023 and 2024, the section on EnvironChemtox (MCT), in collaboration with the University of Amsterdam, VU, WUR and the University of Antwerp will organize a fourth PFAS symposium in 2024, this time in Amsterdam. Everyone interested in the environmental occurrence, fate and exposure, bioaccumulation, and the possible eco(toxico)logical risks of PFAS is welcome to attend!

More information and programme can be found on the website of the meeting.

Registration will open soon!

Organizing committee:
Ayesha Siddiqa (WUR)
Thimo Groffen (University of Antwerp)
Kees van Gestel (VU; NWO/TTW-project 187125)
Stefan van Leeuwen (WFSR; KNCV Section on EnvironChemTox)


Registratin will open soon!